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Sometimes, "Sorry" is Not Just Another Word

Submitted by Mark on Sun, 03/24/2024 - 18:56

   Imagine that you're almost seventy years old. Throughout those years you've lived what would be considered a normal, happy life, having grown strong family ties, and having built close community relationships.
   One day, in an instant, your world is turned upside down and inside out, when you find out that your entire life has been based on a mistake.

Binary Thinking in an Analog World

Submitted by Mark on Sun, 03/17/2024 - 12:26

   If someone tries to tell you that there are just two kinds of people in this world, don't believe them. Whatever those "two kinds" may be, they are almost always just two extremes of a range of possibilities. There is only one kind of person, although we come in different models, styles, shapes and sizes. Any character trait has is opposite, but almost everyone falls somewhere in between. All traits of personalities are potentially present in each of us to some degree. Every genius is part idiot; every idiot is part genius.

The Sanctity of Unborn Life

Submitted by Lutek on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 16:39

Recently. the Supreme Court of Alabama found itself contemplating the 'sanctity of unborn life'. Unfortunately, it allowed itself to be distracted by theological dogma and the much-misunderstood Biblical concept of the 'image of God'. There is a much simpler and clearer approach that the court could have taken: The sanctity of unborn life is exactly the same as the sanctity of life that has been  born - or hatched, or cloned. All life is sacred.

Another Notch in Putin's Belt

Submitted by Mark on Tue, 02/20/2024 - 17:30

Alexei Navalny, for years the greatest potential threat to Vladimir Putin's corrupt, iron-clad, despotic regime, died last week in a Siberian prison camp under very suspicious circumstances. He was in seemingly good health and good spirits right up until he went for a walk in the camp's yard, where he suddenly collapsed and died.

The Swift Death of Democracy

Submitted by Edward on Mon, 02/19/2024 - 22:57

I’ve been suspicious of Taylor Swift’s popularity for some time now. Don’t get me wrong: She can certainly “belt a tune,” as they say. But one can only poeticise heartbreak so many times before my sympathy begins to dry up like a Cruel Summer. (Haha!) And she certainly won’t be revolutionizing musical theory anytime soon, either. After all, how many pop-singers use vocal layering to spice up those verses and choruses; or give us a good old key change for the grand finale; or sing about love? Answer: All of them.

Foot-in-Mouth Again!

Submitted by Mark on Mon, 02/12/2024 - 14:05

Although NATO may not be the worst alliance ever conceived, it probably deserves most of the criticism that has been leveled against it. But this post is not about NATO.
This is about that orange-haired, self-declared "stable genius" Donald Trump, who, referring to some NATO members not meeting their defense spending targets, recently proclaimed, "You gotta pay! You gotta pay your bills!"
Well, NATO doesn't send out bills or issue invoices. It sets targets. For whatever reasons, only 11 out of 31 members achieved those goals.


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