“The frosty relationship between Prince Harry and King Charles may be beginning to thaw after the cancer diagnoses.” - CBC News
“The frosty relationship between Prince Harry and King Charles may be beginning to thaw after the cancer diagnoses.” - CBC News
"Bring me into the company of those who seek the truth,
and deliver me from those who have found it."
- André Gide
The 1948 displacement of Palestinians - sorry - the October Seventh attack on Israelis (phew - hope the censors didn’t catch that one!) has led to much outrage and confusion. And with outrage and confusion comes a whole slew of questions from across the societal spectrum.
"What child is this, who laid to rest
On Mary's lap is sleeping?"
So asks the well-known Christmas carol. Of course, we all know that the child on Mary's lap was Jesus (or, more correctly, Jeshua). This popular hymn goes on to proclaim, "This, this is Christ the king!"
Well, yes, of course. But there's more to it.
"Christ" means "is anointed." Anointed with what? With the sacred and holy spirit of life. Every child is born with it, but most, if not all of us, start falling out of touch with the divine long before we reach puberty.
On this balmy Christmas Day boasting a beautiful +15 degrees and sunny skies, I hope you are appreciating the company of friends and family more than ever before; weather like this all but guarantees disease-laden insects will be migrating from Kansas by springtime, along with a host of invasive species the likes of which your flowerbed has never seen! (e.g. wild boars.) Enjoy those colourful boxes of chocolates and booze, I say! Purchase as many holiday greeting cards as you can and exchange them frantically - time is running out!
At this point, another colloquy on Israel is a pointless endeavour, and I apologise for the role I’m playing in pulverising this dead horse to a mushy pulp. Yet the sadomasochist in me can’t resist reaching for The Daily Rag and skimming past all those Boxing Day advertisements to seek out the latest coverage depicting this bloodbath as a righteous struggle between Pure Good and Unholy Evil - the latest mass media fairy tale coming right on the heels of their similar production: “Glorious Ukraine VS Putin the Disturbed.”
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