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Next Christmas

Submitted by Mark on Thu, 12/21/2023 - 01:29

Soon, another Christmas will have come and gone. Gifts that were the wrong size, not needed or not wanted will have been returned. The Christmas parties and banquets will be over. People will be celebrating the start of a new year, and making resolutions. There will be the usual, often short-lived pledges to quit smoking, lose weight, and watch less television, TikTok or YouTube. Here’s an idea for a resolution that should be easier to keep. How about resolving to make next Christmas more meaningful?

The Beautiful Apocalypse

Submitted by Lutek on Fri, 12/15/2023 - 16:19

"O see the darkness yielding, that tore the light apart

Come healing of the reason, come healing of the heart."

- Come Healing, lyric by Leonard Cohen




The word 'apocalypse' has come to mean a widespread, violent and calamitous event. In Jewish and Christian literature it refers to the ultimate destruction of evil and the triumph of good. However, its original meaning was simply a disclosure or revelation.

Sue Me: I Missed A Week!

Submitted by Edward on Sun, 12/03/2023 - 21:16

I apologize for my absence, fellow spiritual wanderers: I have been somewhat busy of late poring over Sigmund Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams," which has led me down a very steep rabbit-hole indeed. After all, how can I interpret the appearance of my dentist with dishevelled hair and blood-shot eyes standing in a room fluctuating between my kitchen and high-school science lab? Perhaps it is a calling to professionalize myself (represented by the dentist), get serious about my cooking (kitchen), and experiment in the manner of a chemist (science lab)?

Class Dismissed!

Submitted by Mark on Sun, 11/19/2023 - 15:47

   I was born into a well-off and well-educated family, but, due to social circumstances mostly beyond my control and influence, I spent my adolescence and adulthood mostly among social pariahs; the misfits, rejects, undesirables and untouchables. However, the advantage of that path through, and perspective upon, life was to learn quite readily that social classes are illusions, and that we're all misfits and rejects to some degree, even, and perhaps especially, the "one-percenters".

Prattle to the People!

Submitted by Edward on Sun, 11/12/2023 - 02:27

 "The People." The catch-phrase currently coughed-up by every semi-conscious politician who can muster up enough élan vitale to walk up to a podium and recite the phrases scribbled on their forearm. That's right, partisans: EVERY politician. Don't think for one second your precious little party is exempt from the lowest forms of political manipulation! 


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