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Our best hope . . .

Submitted by Mark on Fri, 07/21/2023 - 22:02

The news keeps getting worse day by day. The world is heating up and burning up. Species are vanishing from the planet at an alarming rate. Hatred, fear and anger are pandemic. So are feelings of hopelessness and despair.
Yet there is hope, probably our only hope, and it lies in something so fundamental that we hardly ever think about it. But maybe we should.

Something to take your mind off turkeys this Thanksgiving

Submitted by Mark on Thu, 10/10/2019 - 14:41

This Thanksgiving weekend, many people's minds have been on turkey, whether it be about eating it, cooking it, or how to politely decline eating any.

Speaking of turkeys, did you catch the English-language election debate?

Despite the best efforts of the three party leaders who seemed to actually want a level-headed discussion, the debate devolved as usual into the political equivalent of a schoolyard fight, just as intended.


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