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Lutek's blog

Love, Actually

Submitted by Lutek on Sat, 02/15/2025 - 22:39

Yesterday was Valentine's day, a day supposedly dedicated to the expression of love. It is actually only about romance. Romance may be a pathway to learning about love, but it isn't necessarily love. Unfortunately, most people have no idea of what love really is.

The Sanctity of Unborn Life

Submitted by Lutek on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 16:39

Recently. the Supreme Court of Alabama found itself contemplating the 'sanctity of unborn life'. Unfortunately, it allowed itself to be distracted by theological dogma and the much-misunderstood Biblical concept of the 'image of God'. There is a much simpler and clearer approach that the court could have taken: The sanctity of unborn life is exactly the same as the sanctity of life that has been  born - or hatched, or cloned. All life is sacred.

What Child is This?

Submitted by Lutek on Thu, 12/28/2023 - 14:23

"What child is this, who laid to rest
On Mary's lap is sleeping?"

So asks the well-known Christmas carol. Of course, we all know that the child on Mary's lap was Jesus (or, more correctly, Jeshua). This popular hymn goes on to proclaim, "This, this is Christ the king!"

Well, yes, of course. But there's more to it.

"Christ" means "is anointed." Anointed with what? With the sacred and holy spirit of life. Every child is born with it, but most, if not all of us, start falling out of touch with the divine long before we reach puberty.

The Beautiful Apocalypse

Submitted by Lutek on Fri, 12/15/2023 - 16:19

"O see the darkness yielding, that tore the light apart

Come healing of the reason, come healing of the heart."

- Come Healing, lyric by Leonard Cohen




The word 'apocalypse' has come to mean a widespread, violent and calamitous event. In Jewish and Christian literature it refers to the ultimate destruction of evil and the triumph of good. However, its original meaning was simply a disclosure or revelation.

The Facts of Life

Submitted by Lutek on Sun, 07/23/2023 - 00:33

   When we think of the facts of life, the first thing that comes to mind is sex. So lets get that out of the way.

[I'm going to slide this big, wonderful idea, throbbing and ready to burst with ripe concepts, all the way into your eager, quivering intellect. And then I'll give you more and more until you're satisfied.
   Are you ready?]

   Everything has two sides.


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