“The frosty relationship between Prince Harry and King Charles may be beginning to thaw after the cancer diagnoses.” - CBC News
Yes, fellow royal subjects: You know where your tax dollars are going right this instant, don’t you? Right to us here at Correct Beyond Criticism News and our official “Royal Family Coverage Live,” where we have some breaking news to share with all you troglodytes holed up in your living rooms staring deeply into the shimmering plasma screens, which we thank you desperately for because at this rate who knows how long we can keep this up? Whatever you do, please: Do not move.
Let’s cut to the chase: A couple of snoops on our payroll have confirmed that Prince Harry is visiting his dear-old Dad after the old chap was stricken with that dreaded disease known as “cancer.” Harry, no doubt, wants to make sure everything is okay and that this isn’t genetically inherited - and who can blame him? Royalty shouldn’t be subject to the same rampant cell-replication that the rest of us are. What gives? It’s the 21st century, dammit, and our elites are still victims of neoplasms?
Harry and “King Chuck,” as you all know from our constant repetition, have had a rough ride lately. Here’s a quick recap: November 14th 2020 - racist remarks at the Queen’s Gala (may she Rest In Peace, bless her) about Meagan’s racial background, which we dare not utter here. And imagine the infamous Christmas dinner of ‘22, when His Majesty shouts over a fresh bowl of beans and mash “My son and some half-breed, marching through those solid oak doors that were my fathers and his fathers before him!” And Harry, just losing it, saying “Croinky, Pa! I won’t ‘ave you slanderin’ me wife like tha’ roight `ere in front of me kids!” Charles tries to get up and swat the youngster upside the forehead but falls back in his throne exhausted. This may have been when the cancer got a hold of him, and if Harry had taken one for King and Country, we wouldn’t be here reading about it in the first place.
Now, at last, tensions are no longer at a roiling boil - an enormous relief. Not even the Royals can resist getting together to soothe frayed nerves when cancer, or “The Terror of the 21st Century,” strikes at the patriarch of the family - not to mention the nation-state itself. Just think if Charlie next develops a suspicious lump: Then it’ll be a full-blown nation-wide spectacle, with visitors from across the world welcomed in to pay their respects to their tortured king . We here at Canada’s Bleating Convocation will be the first to let all you citizens of this former constitutional monarchy know exactly what the folks up in Buckingham are up to! This has been Lotta Drivel for CBC News, live from Coronation Street.
I don't care much about the
But of course: Intellectual
Paul, any day's news
Well Mark, I hope you enjoy
Season 12? That can't be
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