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But of course: Intellectual satisfaction! Who doesn’t like a well-fed and satiated mental organ, after all? And there is nothing like CBC Radio’s stellar programming to provide some of that desperately needed nutrition! Take today’s broadcast of The World Tonight, March 12th 2024: We’ve got the gripping story of the US promising to build a Gaza dock (and just in the nick of time, too!). Without skipping a beat, an update that Ukraine is getting more military aid. Gee, who didn’t see that coming? Then there’s the raging debate over whether Joe Biden is a crotchety old gaffer or not - a gripping topic, if you suffer from deafblindness. Follow all that American coverage with, finally, a truly Made In Canada story: Wildfires caused by climate change. Wow - three months of cutting this schlock out of my life, and CBC still has nothing new to talk about! But we’re not done with formulaic mass media coverage: CBC continues to cover that unsolvable mystery named “inflation,” complete with Peter Armstrong and Susan Boner’s banter (Don’t you just love the two of them desperately trying to pretend they haven’t rehearsed their little chat 154 times beforehand?). Finally, we end our nourishing indulgence with three extremely stimulating pieces to titillate the brainwaves: The price of bananas (wow!); doping cases in curling; and herring spawning. That’s right - herring spawning. Mmmmm! So rich! So tasty! Boy, it feels great being an “educated citizen,” don’t it? Of course, I could get all this from any other outlet - but you’re absolutely right, Mark: There is a certain “Canadian Identity” to CBC that Global and CTV just can’t match. (Probably because of all those cuts and layoffs, right? Damn corporations!) CBC has this particular sappiness and unoriginality that only a True Canadian Product could replicate. I mean, is it really Canadian if it’s not some cheap knock-off of US culture? CBC certainly serves it up far better than the - uh - “for-profit” stations. Thank goodness CBC is above and beyond such a shady business strategy as profit maximization. Hopefully, the taxpayer will always be there to bail out the CBC as it continues to lose 125 million dollars a year struggling to compete in a ferocious media market.