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How to Make America Great Again

Submitted by editors on Sun, 11/03/2024 - 11:09

   What does "Make America great again" mean? What does it mean to put America first? Great in what way? First at what?

  Great at bullying smaller and weaker nations to get her own way, or great at setting an example of democracy and working toward global co-operation and reconciliation?

   First to get what she thinks she deserves, and to take as much as she can for herself; or first to ensure that everyone - not just every one person, but every one nation as well - is treated fairly and has enough to live?

   Each of those questions has two possible answers. One way leads to true greatness, but the other is America at her pettiest, smallest and ugliest.

   Here are a few ideas about how America could become truly great again:

It's not about Me, but about Us.
Not just you and me, but all of us.
Not just all of the U.S., not just all Americans, but all of us.
Not just the ones we call the "good guys." Everyone.
Everyone, everywhere. All the time.
Like them or not.
Not just in America, but everywhere.
Everyone in the whole world, no matter what, come Heaven or Hell.
We're all in this together, like it or not.

   America was once great, but that was way back when she was only just a gleam in her founding fathers' eyes. But, as unavoidably happens with newborn nations,  "economic reality" set in, even before she was born, with those having the most money and property calling the shots right from the start. As well-meaning as some of them may have been, none were ever immune to temptation.
   So America too quickly gave up those "feminine" qualities of caring, compassion and community-mindedness. As she grew she became an aggressive, competitive and dominating "he." She transgendered into "Uncle Sam," a big, fat, global bully, one of three or four such, each with their own gang of Mini-Me cohorts. These days the rest of the world sometimes sees Uncle Sam as that queer uncle who abuses his nieces and nephews at every opportunity.
   Uncle Sam, for the good of the family, please get some therapy.

   The way to be great is to value each other and to work together to ensure that no one is wanting of any basic necessity. That applies to nations as well as to people.

It's been said that you can't un-ring a bell. That's true. But you can keep it from being rung again. And we're quickly getting to a point where we have more ding-dongs than we can handle.


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