My Foray Into The Audacious

Submitted by Edward on Sat, 10/14/2023 - 16:25

The latest development in the Israel-Palestine conflict has been nothing short of momentous: a shocking eye-opener that hits you harder than a dose of hot coffee in the wee hours of the weekday morning. Of course, there's nothing new in the actual conflict itself. (A brief update for the uninitiated: since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, the entire region has been a ticking time bomb to nuclear Armageddon - which, interestingly enough, some people actually want to happen; strictly for religious purposes, you understand).

Cultivate your 'Grattitude'

Submitted by Mark on Sun, 10/08/2023 - 11:45

Certain aspects of Hallowe'en and Christmas as they are celebrated represent a lot of things about our culture that need to be improved. New Year celebrations are about as meaningful as the odometer on your car reaching 100,000. But Thanksgiving, if it's done well, brings out the best in even the worst of us. Thanksgiving (like Valentine's Day) ideally would be every day.

 My Voting Experience: A Horror Novel by Edward Earnest

Submitted by Edward on Thu, 10/05/2023 - 01:16

 It was with great joy and civic pride that I walked into the gymnasium of the local high school, standing patriotically in line with the other locals and waiting with unreserved glee to cast my ballot and perform my duty as an informed, educated citizen of a democratic country. Oh, the naivety of youth! Oh, the gullibility of the green! The foolish dreams of the innocent and the uninitiated! All the advertisements and pamphlets had convinced me that voting would be a happy experience: a proud, life-defining moment full of smiles and good cheer. The reality was anything but.


Submitted by Mark on Tue, 07/25/2023 - 08:38

Lately, not a day goes by without plenty of stories being published in the media regarding climate disruption and environmental destruction. In light of these, the actions of some of the world's richest and 'most successful' people must be considered obscene.


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