In a galaxy far, far away and 500 years ago, the people of Turtle Planet were going about their business, when suddenly a fleet of spaceships landed. They were escaping an evil intergalactic empire in search of a new planet. Their ships were loaded with skyscrapers and automobiles and people, and rolls of instant roadway film, and drugs and infrastructure and ATVs, and statues and churches and Pepsi and everything else. They dropped it all exactly where it is now, as if Turtle Planet was empty and uninhabited; right on top of everything that was already there, including the people,because from way out in space they had looked like rocks or savage beasts or something, and by the time they were close enough to see them better the newcomers were all asleep in their pods, preparing to land. Then after they landed, still groggy after coming out of the sleeping pods, the space refugees accidentally stole everything the planet's indigenous people still had left, and wouldn't let the people have or do anything, but then they woke up some more and realized what a deadly mess they had almost accidentally made, so after they woke up even more they said to the people of Turtle Planet, "Oh, we're so sorry. What can we do to make it up to you?" Then the people of Turtle Planet said, "You'll never put things back the way they were, but if you clean up the mess and let us take care of what's left, and you're truly sorry, we will forgive you and be your friends and show you how to live on Turtle Planet without wrecking it some more. But the space people said, no, we'll show you how to live on your planet because we're so smart, and they wrecked more of it, then said they wouldn't any more but they did for 500 years. Now they are beginning to realize they were not so good at running planets after all, and now everyone is afraid because they don't know what to do, other than to keep wrecking everything even more.
(image by Noupload on Pixabay)
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