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The Twoness of Oneness

Submitted by Lutek on Sat, 10/28/2023 - 13:00

   Here's a simple thought experiment:
Imagine you are there at the moment of the Big Bang. Who are you? who is aware and watching? What is it that is exploding?

   In Reality, there are two fundamental modes of existence: being, and awareness.
   Awareness is not in itself physical, but its objects as well as its processes may be (and most often are).
   All is One. Any mystic worthy of the name could tell you that. But Oneness, like just about anything else, has two sides. Reality and awareness are the two opposite polarities of the Eternal Wave  that was (and still is, and will ever be) the Big Bang.
   The physical and metaphysical, or spiritual, worlds are not opposites (although many of their attributes may be). They complement each other. What that ultimately means, in the Big Picture, is that they are a part of, and therefore need and cannot exist or function without, each other.
   Physical reality fluctuates between existence and non-existence.
   The fluctuation is between being and awareness of being, or sentience (the sentience itself not being a physical "thing."). Sentience has no physical existence. It is the opposite of, and complement to, physical existence, which in  itself has no awareness.

   One thing that quantum physics tells us, in effect, is that existence is not possible without whatever exists being observed or known to exist; therefore reality must be and always must have been self-aware, in at least a rudimentary way since its "beginning," or forever; since it was the tiniest, densest, hottest, most massive, universe-sized speck of a spark imaginable.
   Consciousness creates reality. Nothing exists until it is observed to exist.
   Reality enlivens consciousness. Observation is impossible without something to be observed.

   In one important sense, the spiritual world is indeed imaginary. However, imagination is the foundation of reality. Your reality is exactly the way you imagine it to be. It has always been that way. Imagination is a part of the real you; of the process that is you, not the vehicle.
   In many ways, atheists are just as right as any religious person. Religion is all imagination. In fact, as science is discovering, all of reality is imagined. Maybe it will soon realize that science itself is imaginal. How could it be anything else?
   But the question remains: "Who or what is ultimately doing the imagining?"

  Times and places are just accumulated wave reflections of the original impulse which drives the Eternal Wave.
   Each time and place "particle" (or "standing wave" of reality) fluctuates between existence and awareness in a unique way, according to its history of previous interactions and observations.
   Each of us is such a "particle" - or 'particular reflection' of reality - built from our "own"  perspectives. we "exist" temporally and thus temporarily as cumulative reflections and waveforms of the spacetime in which we live. But we must also somehow exist non-temporally, because time and space are only subsets of existence.
   But important subsets they are. They constitute the eternal moment.
   The original impulse, the primal "will of God," must be only the desire to exist, or to keep on; more specifically, to experience keeping on: to continue to be sentient, to become aware.
   That is the nature of reality, and of infinity. Ever-fluctuating being and awareness. The two are one.
Knowing that resolves the issue of theism vs. atheism: Both are single-sided illusions.



(image by geralt on pixabay)

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