A Forgotten Holiday

Submitted by Mark on Sun, 10/31/2021 - 08:12
cemetary with flowers and candles

Many aspects of Halloween as we know it were likely borrowed from ancient pagan beliefs and rites, but the name itself has its roots in early Christianity. It is a contraction of 'All Hallows Evening' - the evening before All Hallows Day, or, All Saints Day.

Woo-Woo, Woo Hoo!

Submitted by Lutek on Sun, 04/12/2020 - 18:16

We are all two-spirited.

At any given moment we are both feminine and masculine in degrees, varying mostly according to how our cultures define masculinity and femininity, as well as what society expects from us, what the moment requires, and what we have learned, rightly or wrongly.

Of course, hormones and chromosomes have a major influence on all that. So do our physical genders. With few exceptions we are born definitely as either male or female. Got an innie? You're a female. Got an outtie? You're a dude, man.

PolitiCancer - What You Need to Know

Submitted by editors on Mon, 10/14/2019 - 10:51

What is Politi-Cancer?

Sometimes the best way to describe a serious situation is humorously, so here it is: "The Liberal party is like a rich uncle who promises you a trip to Disneyland, then tells you later that he can't afford to take you. The Conservative Party is like an uncle who tells you he has no money to take you to Disneyland, then you find out later that he went without you."

Something to take your mind off turkeys this Thanksgiving

Submitted by Mark on Thu, 10/10/2019 - 14:41

This Thanksgiving weekend, many people's minds have been on turkey, whether it be about eating it, cooking it, or how to politely decline eating any.

Speaking of turkeys, did you catch the English-language election debate?

Despite the best efforts of the three party leaders who seemed to actually want a level-headed discussion, the debate devolved as usual into the political equivalent of a schoolyard fight, just as intended.


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